TQM Itaca Technology develops modular solutions to be installed on measuring stations in order to perform the external surface control to identify the presence of defects, for example on Brake Disc (pitting, pores, lack of material, defects coming from foundry process etc.) after the machining and balancing phases.
This system is based on a 2D LASER device that scans all the external surface of the braking ring and analyze the acquired profile through a specific software, developed by TQM: ITADEFECT.
The system imply the use of an adjustable support for the LASER probe and a protection system to avoid any possible exposition to the LASER beam for the operators during maintenance operations etc. The lase probe is powered only when there is the request for the reading process.
The system is applicable on the existent ITAGEO 6 Brake Disc measuring stations and runs on the station PC.
The software is capable to recognize the pores/defects (minimum size of: 2mm diameter, 1mm depth) and balancing.
At the end of the test, that is performed during the normal functioning cycle of the station, the software will send information to ITAGEO (after an initial brief setup for defect size and balancing feature detail) about the part classification on GOOD or REJECTED. The data of this attribute characteristic is saved together the other measures in the database.
This inspection allow to save time on this operation (in-process control) using this measurement cycle instead of slower and more expensive third part techniques.