Master 6 is the software to manage the archiving and the periodic calibration of the measuring instruments. It is compatible with 64 bit operating systems – Win 7 and Win 8.
It is supported by a database in MS SQL format.
The access to Master 6 is managed by a password and the operative permissions can be customizable for each user. The software is provided with a serie of instruments which make easier its use.
Each instrument has its own data sheet, where there are specified the quotas to be controlled.
It is possible to manage internal masters used for the certification of other instruments. The external certifications are managed with the possibility to attach the external certificates. |
The global list underlines the status of the instrument with different colors. From the global list it’s possible to have access to all the available functions. |
It’s available the graphic timetable of the calibrations with the possibility to print the list of the expiring instruments or the list of already expired instruments, etc... |
It is available a big range of filters, with possibility of printing the instruments list after the filters applications. |
Different instruments for the Analysis are available:
The calibration of the instrument is made easier by a guided procedure. It is possible to manage the external calibrations with the possibility to save the certificates of the external laboratories. |